Choosing the best faction in a game like Elex is not only a hard decision, it is also an important one. Like with any other Piranha Byte game, the moment you choose your faction you will be bound to it for the rest of your playthrough. There will be no going back, so you better make sure you made the right call.
A faction does not only greatly change the story you will experience, it will also most likely have a huge impact on the playstyle that will be available to you. As such, it makes sense to think about it and carefully consider which faction to pick, especially if it is your first run. However, you can always start new games to explore the other factions afterward, so don’t sweat over it too much.
This guide will briefly introduce and give out information on each faction, how to join them, and what their benefits are. It will also try to aid you in your decision by underlining the gameplay and lore focus of each faction. Remember, ultimately it is your decision, but it is not a bad idea to create a save file of your character before you join a faction, just in case you want to go back.
Berserkers are the “medieval” faction of Elex. They will run around in old-fashioned armors and medieval weapons, refraining from the use of technology. They are capable of transmuting Elex into “pure mana” and as such, are able to use magic. The goal of the Berserkers is to transform the post-apocalyptic wasteland into a lush, green world.
How to join the Berserkers
In order to join the Berserkers, you will need to talk to the faction leader Ragnar in the Hotel Ruins in Goliet.
Talking to Ragnar will start the Allies from the Middle Ages quest, which ultimately lets you join the Berserkers. In order to complete this quest, you will need to gather enough reputation by completing various other quests for the Berserkers. Ragnar will immediately give you one of the most important ones called Departure to Foreign Lands. This quest will lead you to the other major cities as you need to explore them and then report back to Ragnar.

As you progress through multiple Berserker quests that you can find around Goliet, you can ask Ragnar for the current progress of your reputation. He will give you one of three answers:
- If you have done enough quests, he will invite you to the Berserkers
- If you have not done enough quests, he will tell you that there still more for you to do
- However, if you have completed all the necessary quests, but have made decisions in the process that were harmful to the Berserkers, Ragnar will rebuke you for this and will not welcome you.
If you find yourself in the third category, there is a way to solve this. You need to ask Ragnar for a second chance which will start the quest Making things Right. Making things Right will require you to get the approval of the three Berserker warlords Ragnar, Cormag and Angrim.
- Ragnar will want 2000 elexit for his approval
- Cormag will simply agree to help you without any issue
- Angrim will agree to help you if you promise to return the favor in the future
Berserker gameplay
As hinted above, Berserkers are able to turn Elex into and mana and use magic. This is the faction that will allow you to cast spells. They will also mostly focus on traditional melee weapons like axes, swords, and hammers, and you will be able to magically enchant those.
Joining the Berserkers will give you the following skills for you to level:
- Unlocks faction-specific teachers.
- Adds additional resistance against poison. New equipment at faction-specific traders.
- Unlocks the possibility to improve magical weapons.
- Access to magical powers
- Only one level which you gain as you join the faction
- Magical abilities remain active longer or cause greater damage. The effect increases with every level.
- Costs Elexit and skill points to level.
- Requires more Cunning for each additional level.
- Five total levels to invest
- Increases maximum mana with each level.
- Costs Elexit and skill points to level.
- Requires more Intelligence and Constitution for each additional level.
- Three total levels to invest
Enchant Weapon
- Unlocks the ability to enchant Berserker weapons and apply damage auras
Scatter shot
- Unlocks the ability to shoot multiple arrows with one shot.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Requires 40 Dexterity and 30 Intelligence.
Seeker shot
- Unlocks the ability to shoot a target-seeking arrow
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Requires 50 Dexterity and 40 Cunning.
Camouflage spell
- Unlocks the spell “Camouflage”.
- Camouflage cuts the enemy’s detection radius in half.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Requires 50 Cunning and 40 Dexterity.
- The spell costs 15 mana, has a duration of 40 seconds, and a cooldown of 10 seconds
Leather skin spell
- Unlocks the spell “Leather skin”.
- Leather skin makes your skin more resilient giving you extra armor (+20 armor).
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Requires 50 Cunning and 40 Constitution.
- The spell costs 20 mana, has a duration of 90 seconds, and a cooldown of 10 seconds.
Aspect of the Warrior spell
- Unlocks the spell “Aspect of the Warrior”
- Aspect of the Warrior gives you a bonus to melee damage (+50 to melee weapons).
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Requires 50 Cunning and 40 Strength.
- The spell costs 20 mana, has a duration of 45 seconds, and a cooldown of 10 seconds.
Blood Transfer spell
- Unlocks the spell “Blood Transfer”.
- Blood Transfer turns life energy into mana (20 health turns into 20 mana)
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Requires 50 Cunning and 40 Constitution.
- 30 seconds cooldown.
Spirit Wolf spell
- Unlocks the spell “Spirit wolf”
- Spirit Wolf conjures a wolf spirit to fight at your side. The lifespan is variable based on your magic stat.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Requires 50 Cunning and 40 Intelligence.
- 60 seconds cooldown.
Sense Life spell
- Unlocks the spell “Sense Life”
- Sense Life highlights all living things in your field of view.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Requires 40 Cunning and 30 Intelligence.
- The spell costs 10 mana, has a duration of 40 seconds, and a cooldown of 10 seconds.
Poisonous Aura spell
- Unlocks the spell “Poisonous Aura”
- Poisonous Aura causes poison to damage all nearby enemies (5 damage per second)
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point to level
- Requires 50 Cunning and 40 Constitution.
- The spell costs 20 mana, has a duration of 10 seconds, and a cooldown of 10 seconds.
- The radius is 15m.
Healing Spell
- Unlocks the spell “Healing”
- Healing heals you and your companions for +50 health (improved by your magic stat)
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 Skill point
- Requires 60 Cunning and 40 Constitution
- Costs 25 mana and has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
- The healing radius is 20m.
Magical Fist (of Fire, Ice or Poison)
- You will get to pick one of these as you join the Berserkers
- The Magical Fist does damage based on your magic stat and has multiple abilities that are incredibly useful.
- Each Fist has different abilities according to the element.
- The Fire Fist has: Fireball, Fire Projectile, and Flamejet
- The Ice Fist has: Iceball, Ice shards, and Ice Wave
- The Poison Fist has: Poison ball, Poison Cloud, and Insect Swarm
Berserker style and advantages
As you can see, most of the skills offer some kind of extra utility and aim to make your life easier. There is potential to deal damage with spells as well, but your focus is probably going to be a combination of weapons and magic. Notice that many skills have a focus on Cunning, so you should put an emphasis on that stat.
Berserkers are a faction for you, if you want to use spells to enhance your gameplay, and if you want to use a bow and melee weapons. They are the closest faction to the traditional “medieval fantasy” RPG feeling.
As the name suggests, the Outlaws are a band of criminals. They are those who do not care about the laws and hate rules. A faction, that is committed to freedom and the laws of the jungle. They live in the vast and dangerous deserts of Magellan and are lawless.
Most Outlaws are atheists and in terms of weapons and technology, they will use whatever they can get their hands on. Outlaws will use all kinds of weapons, but mostly rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, and the likes. They will also use drugs and chemicals to boost their abilities. Stimbuffs are the bread and butter skills of Outlaws.
How to join the Outlaws
The quest that begins the process of joining the Outlaws is called “Desert Vultures” and you get it from William. Similarly to joining the Berserkers, completing Desert Vultures will require you to do a couple of quests for the Outlaws.

Here are all the necessary quests:
- In the Name of the Family: Become the champion of the Arena (Beat Big Jim).
- Tramp Confederacy: Solve Chloe’s debt problem.
- A favor for the Scrap Baron: Fix the scrap problem for Mad Bob
- The Scrap Baron Always Pays: Deal with Ace and his brother (this one is a follow up to Favor for the Scrap Baron)
As with Ragnar from the Berserkers, you can talk to William to get an update on your status as a potential recruit. You can receive three answers:
- If you have done enough quests for the Outlaws, William will invite you to join them
- If you have not done enough quests yet, William will tell you to keep at it and finish more tasks
- Completing enough quests but making the wrong decisions that harmed the Outlaws in some of the quests, will prompt William to decline you.
Outlaw gameplay
Outlaws will mostly use stimpacks and chemical enhancements, as well as a variety of different guns, and even some melee weapons.
Joining the Outlaws will give you the following skills to level:
- Unlocks specific Outlaw-specific teachers
- Additional resistance against radiation
- New equipment at faction-specific traders
- Unlocks the possibility to improve mechanical weapons
- No experience penalty while on chems
- Using multiple chems in parallel becomes possible
- You get to learn this as soon as you join the Outlaw faction.
- Unlocks the ability to salvage weapon parts.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point per level.
- Has 2 levels.
- Requires 40 Dexterity and 30 Cunning. (More as you level)
Create Ammunition
- Unlocks the ability to make ammunition for Outlaw weapons
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point per level.
- Has 2 levels.
- Requires 40 Dexterity and 30 Intelligence. (More as you level)
Body Chemistry
- Increases the effect and duration of stims. The effect increases with every level.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point per level.
- Requires 25 Constitution. (More as you level)
- Has 3 levels.
Low-tech Weaponsmith
- Unlocks the ability to upgrade Outlaw weapons at a workbench.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 30 Cunning and 50 Dexterity.
Chem Capacity
Determines the number of stims that can be used.
Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
Has 3 levels.
Requires 25 Constitution and 20 Strength. (More as you level)
Overdrive Stim
- Unlocks the ability to create the stim: Overdrive
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 50 Constitution and 40 Cunning.
- A stim that temporarily increases the regeneration of life energy.
Steel Skin Chem
- Unlocks the ability to create the stim: Steel Skin
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 50 Constitution and 40 Strength.
- A stim that temporarily gives higher resistance against all damage types.
Pick-me-up Stim
- Unlocks the ability to create the stim: Pick-me-up
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 50 Constitution and 40 Strength
- A stim that temporarily gives quicker reflexes.
Scrap Scanner Chem
- Unlocks the ability to create the stim: Scrap Scanner
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 40 Constitution and 30 Cunning.
- A stim that temporarily makes normal items easier to see.
Immune Booster Chem
- Unlocks the ability to create the stim: Immune Booster
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 50 Constitution and 40 Strength.
- A stim that temporarily gives resistance against all status effects.
Tough Guy Chem
- Unlocks the ability to create the stim: Tough Guy
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 60 Constitution and 40 Cunning.
- A stim that temporarily gives higher damage resistance during combat.
Mind Changer Stim
- Unlocks the ability to create the stim: Mind Changer
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point
- Requires 60 Constitution and 40 Strength
- A stim that temporarily gives double damage.
Animal Lover Chem
- Unlocks the ability to create the stim: Animal Lover
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point
- Requires 50 Constitution and 40 Intelligence
- A stim that temporarily stops weaker animals from attacking.
Outlaw style and advantages
As you can see, plenty of Outlaw skills revolve around using different types of stims. Of course, the abilities to salvage weapon parts can be pretty useful as well, considering that you can upgrade your Outlaw weapons and make them even stronger.
The types of stims can be very useful, especially the ones that improve your damage and resistance. The ideal combination is to have the abilities that already boost the stim effects. Don’t forget that you do not receive any experience penalty while on stims, which makes using them even more effective.
Outlaws are the ideal faction if you want to play a badass with traditional guns. You can pick pretty much anything that is not a plasma-gun and enhance it for more damage. If you like the idea of creating and using multiple stims to turn you into a monster in battle, then the Outlaws might be for you. Notice that many skills have a focus on Constitution, so you should put an emphasis on that stat.
Additionally, the whole feeling of the Outlaws is very raw and similar to Mercenaries and Bandits in Gothic 1 or 2. If you enjoy that kind of setting and an area where the strongest survives, the Outlaws faction might give you the best experience.
The Clerics are the religious faction of Elex. They live in the volcanic region of Ignadon, which is the site of the meteorite impact, and worship their god named Calaan.
Clerics have banned the consumption of Elex, but use the magical resource to fuel their extremely advanced technology, which is also their greatest strength. Clerics will use highly efficient plasma-rifles, drones, and a magic-like power called PSI to their advantage.
How to join the Clerics
Joining the Clerics is similar to joining the other factions in Elex. You will have to convince their faction leader Reinhold by doing quests for the faction. The quest to join them is fittingly called “High-tech allies“.

The most important quests are the following:
Subversive Elements by Reinhold – You have to catch the person that is trading Elex
Food for the clerics by Martha – You need to find better food supplies for the clerics
Cause and effect by Hagen – You have to find out why Mutants are being attracted to the base.
As with Ragnar or William, you can talk to Reinhold to get an update on your status as a potential recruit. You can receive three answers:
- If you have done enough quests for the Clerics, Reinhold will invite you to join them
- If you have not done enough quests yet, Reinhold will tell you to keep at it and finish more tasks
- Completing enough quests but making the wrong decisions that harmed the Clerics in some of the quests, will prompt Reinhold to decline you.
Cleric gameplay
Clerics can use extremely powerful plasma guns and all kinds of technological boons. Most importantly though, you will unlock the PSI abilitiy, which is a little bit like magic but works differently.
- Unlocks faction-specific teachers.
- Additional resistance against fire.
- New equipment at faction-specific traders.
- Unlocks the possibility to improve energy weapons.
- Access to PSI power.
- You get to learn this as soon as you join the Cleric faction.
- PSI abilities stay active for longer, or cause greater damage. This effect increases with every level.
- Costs 250 Elexit and 1 skill point to level.
- Has a total of 5 levels.
- Requires 30 Intelligence. (More as you level it up)
- Increases your mental energy limit with each level
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point per level.
- Has a total of 3 levels.
- Requires 25 Intelligence and 15 Constitution. (More as you level it up)
High-Tech Weaponsmith
- Unlocks the ability to upgrade Cleric weapons at a workbench.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 30 Intelligence and 50 Dexterity.
One Man Army
- Increases the damage when traveling without companions.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 50 Constitution and 40 Strength.
- Unlocks the ability to influence others using mind control in dialogue options.
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 30 Intelligence and 30 Cunning.
- Unlocks the PSI ability: Technophile
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 40 Intelligence.
- Technophile: Highlights all synthetic life-forms and high-tech items. 40 seconds duration, 10 seconds cooldown, 10 energy cost.
Cleansing Ability
- Unlocks the PSI ability: Cleansing
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 40 Intelligence and 30 Constitution.
- Cleansing: Removes all Status Effects. Costs 10 Energy and has 5 seconds cooldown.
Power Shield
- Unlocks the PSI ability: Power Shield
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 40 Intelligence and 40 Constitution.
- Power Shield: Casts a power shield that gives you +20 armor. Costs 20 energy, 90 seconds duration, 10 seconds cooldown.
One with the Weapon Ability
- Unlocks the PSI ability: One with the Weapon
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 40 Intelligence and 40 Dexterity
- One with the Weapon: Increases damage caused by ranged weapons. +50 damage, 45 seconds duration, 20 energy cost, 10 seconds cooldown.
Phasing ability
- Unlocks the PSI ability: Phasing
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 40 Intelligence and 40 Cunning
- Phasing: Teleports to a safe distance when evading during combat, leaving a hologram in Jax’s place. Costs 20 energy, 40 seconds duration, 10 seconds cooldown. Hologram lives for 3 seconds.
Power Wave Ability
- Unlocks the PSI ability: Power Wave
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 60 Intelligence and 40 Strength.
- Power Wave: Casts a power wave that damages multiple enemies in its range. 40 damage, 15m radius, 15 energy cost, 7 seconds cooldown.
The Last Stand Ability
- Unlocks the PSI ability: The Last Stand
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 50 Intelligence and 40 Constitution.
- The Last Stand: Aura that resurrects Jax with half health. 300 seconds cooldown, 20 energy cost, 40 seconds duration.
Projection Ability
- Unlocks the PSI ability: Projection
- Costs 500 Elexit and 1 skill point.
- Requires 50 Intelligence and 40 Cunning.
- Projection: Creates a hologram, distracting enemies away from you. Costs 40 energy and has a cooldown of 60.
Clerics style and advantages
As you can see, most of the abilities revolve around making your ranged plasma guns stronger or giving you all kinds of PSI abilities. Lots of PSI abilities are utility-based and will make fighting (especially against multiple enemies) easier. Some abilities will make using ranged weapons even more effective. Notice that many skills require a focus on Intelligence so that stat should be emphasized.
The most important aspect of the Cleric gameplay however is, their plasma guns. They are extremely powerful and probably the strongest of the game. Enhancing them with your Cleric skills will make them even stronger. There is also a huge variety of energy weapons which keeps the style engaging.
Clerics are religious and as such, joining that faction will subject you to this religious style and the teachings of Calaan. Their combination of zealotry- resentment of Elex and highly advanced technology is definitely something unique in this kind of setting.
What is the best faction?
So what is the best faction? Having gone through all the aspects, skills and intricacies of each question, the answer will depend entirely of what you want to get from the game.
If you actually want to have the most efficient and strongest character that can deal with the challenges of the game the easiest, the answer is simple: Clerics
The skills you gain as a Cleric are extremely useful, but most importantly, the plasma weapons will make the game almost trivial. Unfortunately, Elex’s combat system heavily dependant on the stamina mechanic, which makes using a strong ranged weapon like plasma-guns very useful.
Clerics are simply the best faction to play if you want to be the most overpowered. Energy weapons are not just very strong, but they can be upgraded with Cleric skills and become even stronger. PSI abilities will make combat against multiple or bigger enemies easier.
If you do not care about having the strongest character, the answer will entirely depend on the playstyle you want to have.
- Berserkers: A melee, fantasy focused playstyle with a roleplaying focus on medieval asceticism far away from technology and with the use of magic.
- Outlaws: Dirty and lawless action, with scrappy but explosive guns and the roleplaying experience of a bandit.
- Clerics: Highly advanced zealots with extremely powerful technology, but a narrow-minded attitude. A roleplaying experience of a religious fanatic.
The good thing about a game like Elex is, that each faction is incredibly deep and offers a wildly different experience in your gameplay. Which means that there is a high replayability value for you. A faction will not just change the style of your game, but also affect the story and the way it unravels.
My advice would be to pick whatever factions look the most intriguing to you, and then later come back and try another faction when you feel like playing Elex again.
If you haven’t gotten Elex yet, consider this review: Review: How close does Elex come to Gothic?
If you have not heard of Piranha Bytes’ original classic Gothic 2, consider checking it out, as it has influenced Elex heavily.
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